Judge Gabbard Remembers Amanda Holt

by Submitted by County Judge Executive Shane Gabbard

Once in a while you meet people that just make a lasting impact on your life. We have had the pleasure the last several years to be able to work with such an individual. Amanda Holt was our County Finance Officer. She started working in local Government when she was just 16 years old. She started while she was in High School working through a program that would give work experience and help prepare students for a career once they graduated High School. Amanda stayed with the Fiscal Court and there wasn't much she couldn't do. She was as strong and independent as anyone I have ever met. She knew how county finances worked and what to expect during a budget shortfall and always prepared and advised me on what to look for in tough situations. You can speak with anyone in any department in local government in Jackson County and they will be quick to tell you that Amanda was an asset to Jackson County. Amanda never did anything expecting recognition and there wasn't a task that she couldn't handle. We all depended on Amanda for most everything because she was on top of everything. She was never granted any kind of award or civil recognition; however, she was probably one of the most deserving individuals of recognition I have ever worked with. Truthfully, she probably wouldn't have accepted it if she had been selected for something. Amanda loved what she did and excelled in it.

In 2016 Amanda started battling cancer. She overcame it, went into remission, and was right back to work within the next year. There was more than one day that she walked in our office not feeling like being there, but there she set, working. Last year she came in and told me her cancer was back and it was stage 4. She fit cancer, went into hospice care and came back out of hospice and then shortly after right back to work. This time was different however and Amanda's body just wore out. Cancer is an awful disease. We have all saw loved ones suffer from it in time. Amanda Holt passed away on Tuesday June 18[th] surrounded by family and friends at the young age of 37. I can't begin to describe how we will miss her but she is at peace and rest. She was a faithful employee of Jackson County Fiscal Court for 20 years.

Amanda was more than just a wonderful employee; she was a friend and a sister. I ask that you keep my staff and colleagues as well as Amanda's family in your thoughts and prayers. She was a wonderful human being. We love you, Mandy. Rest easy