Judge Gabbard Provides Update on Worthington Park & Park Vandalism

July 19, 2024

Judges Report

July 11, 2024

The first few weeks of the new Fiscal Year have been busy. We have several projects form last year that we had started that we are looking to close out soon. One of those is the Land Water Conservation Grant Project at Worthington Park in Annville. The only thing we like is the new backstop on the lower field and the pavement form the parking lot to the concession stand. We did have a fire in the concession stand at the park recently with some substantial damage. It appears the stove shorted out, more than likely storm related, and caused a fire inside the concession stand. If the building wasn't a concrete block building, we probably wouldn't have a building right now. I have contacted KACo and filed a claim on the fire. They have sent out an adjuster and we are in the process of receiving a quote from them to repair the building and replace the contents. Insurance should cover the cost of the damage.

We have had several incidents of vandalism at our parks recently. We have had to replace sinks and toilets at Worthington Park and Gray Hawk Park several times this year. We need to look into more advanced camera systems for our parks to see if we can catch the responsible parties and hopefully prevent any more damage. Vandalism is truly a despisable act. It makes no sense whatsoever and we seem to be recipients of acts of vandalism more and more every year. I don't understand why. If we could persuade people to turn themselves around it would be amazing what difference they could make in society. Everyone has choices in life. Choices you make will follow you around forever. I know we have wonderful people in our community that will band together and help anyone, anytime. Those responsible for acts of violence and destruction do not define us. Jackson County is full of wonderful people. I am honored to serve them.

Have a blessed week