Jackson County County Judge Executive Issues Declaration of a Local State of Emergency (September 12, 2024) As Manhunt Continues for Mass Shooter

September 12, 2024

Whereas, on Saturday afternoon, September 07, 2024 an active shooter incident occurred in northern Laurel County which created numerous injuries and fear throughout the community, the subsequent manhunt warranted closure of the Sheltowee Trace trail in the western portion of Jackson County, and the closure of Jackson County Public Schools, this has caused a strain on the Jackson County resources resulting in a declaration for a state of emergency for Jackson County, Kentucky and

Whereas, local government has the responsibility to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and to mitigate the effects of such events.

Now, Therefore, I, Shane Gabbard, Jackson County Judge Executive, by the authority vested in me by KRS 39A.100(2), do hereby declare that a State of Emergency exists in Jackson County for the period beginning with September 07, 2024 and continuing until further notice, and direct that:

 1.     The local Emergency Operations Plan shall be fully executed:
2.     The Jackson County Emergency Management Director shall direct the Jackson County Emergency Management to provide such assistance as can be delivered from available local resources and shall coordinate all agencies of local government to provide assistance to Laurel County;
3.     All agencies of Jackson County shall cooperate to the fullest extent with Jackson County Emergency Management and shall provide such assistance as may be required for response to this emergency.
4.     Under this State of Emergency, as provided in KRS 39A 100(2) the Jackson County Judge Executive can waive procedures and formalities otherwise required by the law pertaining to: a) performance of public work, b) entering into contracts, c) incurring obligations, d) employment of permanent and temporary workers, e) utilization of volunteer workers, f) rental of equipment, g) appropriation and expenditure ofmpublic funds.