JCMS Boys Basketball Update
We had a pretty short week last week with the Thanksgiving break, but managed to play 2 games before. Last Monday the 6th and 8th grade boys went to Middlesboro, the 6th grade boys lost the game, and the 8th grade picked up a win against Middlesboror Monday night. On Tuesday the 26th we traveled to Harlan County with the 6th and 8th grade boys to face Harlan Independent Green Dragons. The 6th grade got off to a slow start in the first half, but came together in the second half to get a big win over the dragons. The 8th grade started off hot and never cooled off, and was able to get a big win over the dragons. We have some more games coming up over the next few weeks before Christmas break, so be on the lookout for those and come out to support these guys. We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and once again we appreciate the coaches who take time to work with this group, and we appreciate all of our boys for all the hard work they put in both on and off the court.
Upcoming games for December:
12/3 @ Madison Middle 6/7/8 grades
12/5 @ North Laurel 6/7/8 grades
12/6 @ Lee County 7th and 8th grades
12/9 vs Clay County 6/7/8 grades
12/10 vs Owsley County 6/7/8 grades
12/12 vs Corbin 6/7/8 grades
Upcoming games for December:
12/3 @ Madison Middle 6/7/8 grades
12/5 @ North Laurel 6/7/8 grades
12/6 @ Lee County 7th and 8th grades
12/9 vs Clay County 6/7/8 grades
12/10 vs Owsley County 6/7/8 grades
12/12 vs Corbin 6/7/8 grades
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