Fiscal Years, Property Taxes, Solid Waste and Facebook
Judge Shane Gabbard
The last few weeks have been busy around the Courthouse and for County Government in general. The Fiscal Court operates on a Fiscal Year, July 1- June 30, so we are only halfway through our budget year. The County Clerk and Sheriff, however, operate on a calendar year. Those offices are busy closing out everything within their respective budgets. Both offices will be reporting at the next Fiscal Court meeting and will be presenting their next years budget and 4[th] quarter reports from this year. We have a great working relationship with the County Clerk and Sheriffs offices, and do our best to assist them in any way we can.
Just a friendly reminder concerning property taxes, the Courthouse will be closed on December 31[st] for New Years Eve. This means the last day to pay property taxes in the Sheriffs office before the penalty period begins is Monday December 30, 2024. Office hours are from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. If you have any questions concerning property tax bills you can call them at 287-7121 during office hours. I am sharing this information with you in efforts to save you any penalties in the case you may have overlooked your bill.
The solid waste billing service has moved offices and is now located in the very front of the old Courthouse in room 102 right next to the front door. It is located across the hall from the Sheriffs office. This is also the office for the occupational tax officer. Micheal is doing a great job in both these roles and is adapting to the system quickly. The number for paying your trash bill or questions concerning pickup is 287-8375. He is in the office from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday.
Lastly, we have created a Facebook page for the Fiscal Court. You can find it under "Jackson County Fiscal Court". Feel free to follow our page for events in the county, updates and announcements with County services and important updates on what's going on within County Government. I hope this page will be helpful to our community.
I hope you have a joyous Christmas season
Just a friendly reminder concerning property taxes, the Courthouse will be closed on December 31[st] for New Years Eve. This means the last day to pay property taxes in the Sheriffs office before the penalty period begins is Monday December 30, 2024. Office hours are from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. If you have any questions concerning property tax bills you can call them at 287-7121 during office hours. I am sharing this information with you in efforts to save you any penalties in the case you may have overlooked your bill.
The solid waste billing service has moved offices and is now located in the very front of the old Courthouse in room 102 right next to the front door. It is located across the hall from the Sheriffs office. This is also the office for the occupational tax officer. Micheal is doing a great job in both these roles and is adapting to the system quickly. The number for paying your trash bill or questions concerning pickup is 287-8375. He is in the office from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday.
Lastly, we have created a Facebook page for the Fiscal Court. You can find it under "Jackson County Fiscal Court". Feel free to follow our page for events in the county, updates and announcements with County services and important updates on what's going on within County Government. I hope this page will be helpful to our community.
I hope you have a joyous Christmas season
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