James Adams Jr. Obituary
January 11, 2025
James Adams Jr. was born June 2, 1970, in Lexington, KY and departed this life Friday, December 27, 2024, at his residence in Sand Gap, at the age of 54. He was son of Jessie (Brockman) Adams of McKee and of the late James Henry Adams Sr.
In addition to his mother, Junior was also survived by his wife, Tina Renee (Lewis) Adams of Sand Gap; by two daughters, Katlyn (Derrick) Gabbard of McKee and Taylor Truett of Leslie County and by a sister, Mary Ann Martin of London. He was blessed with a granddaughter, Everleigh Truett and by a dear friend, Randall Powell who he loved like a brother.
Other than his father, Junior was also preceded in death by a brother, Carl Adams.
Junior was a member of the Sand Gap Baptist Church and was working part time at the Jackson County Jail.
Funeral services will be held 1:00 PM Thursday, January 2, 2025, at the Lakes Funeral Home with Bro. Jimmy Morgan, Bro. Wayne Carpenter and Bro. Brian Gabbard officiating. Burial to follow in the T.M. Lakes Cemetery. Pallbearers: Richard Martin, Tony Adams. Honorary pallbearers: George Brockman, Mark Horn, Timmy Adams,
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