Judge Gabbard Discusses Road Maintenance and Garbage Pick-Up

February 07, 2025

 Judges Notes 
Just about everyone you talk to is glad to see a break in the winter weather. The snow the last few weeks has caused several interruptions and inconveniences in daily life for many people. The snow melting from the roads is a welcome sign for us but it comes with some real road issues. Gravel roads can be very hard to maintain with the ground constantly freezing and thawing. The ground underneath the gravel thaws and becomes soft and allow mud to seep up to the top of the surface, therefore when you attempt to grade and gravel the road, you sink up with a heavy truck. We will be attempting to get our roads shaped up next week the best we can, it will just take some time. 
Potholes become a common issue on blacktop roads this time of year. I have noticed some in several places lately on our county roads so we will be addressing that next week as well. As I have stated in the past, there just isn't enough road money to resurface all of our roads at once so we do what we can from year to year. 
Trash pickup has been another issue for us. The weather put us behind on routes and we have been trying to catch that up this week. Myself and my staff have answered several complaints that have been garbage related and I realize the frustration that goes with trying to find somewhere to put 3 weeks of trash. Animals in trash is another nuisance that citizens deal with as well. Hopefully we will be back on our normal schedule now. The garbage trucks have made extra trips this past week just to be able to handle all the garbage. 
 Thank you for patience in this winter season.