Attorney General Announces Guilty Plea of NKY Lawyer (Free Access)

February 28, 2025

FRANKFORT, Ky. (Feb. 28, 2025) – Attorney General Russell Coleman announced today action by the Attorney General’s Special Prosecutions Unit resulted in a Northern Kentucky lawyer pleading guilty to theft charges. Jennifer Zaccheus-Miller has admitted to stealing over $200,000 from two Campbell County estates. As a result, she will automatically and temporarily be barred from practicing law. 

According to court records, there were two instances of theft, one from May 2020 to April 2024, the other from June 2023 to May 2024. In both cases, Zaccheus-Miller has pled guilty and will be ordered to pay restitution. Theft by unlawful taking over $10,000 but under $1,000,000 is a Class C felony, carrying a penalty of 5-10 years.

“This defendant took advantage of Kentuckians in their grief. It’s a shameful crime, and I’m grateful for the talented team of prosecutors who delivered justice for these victims and their families,” said Attorney General Coleman. 

The Kentucky State Police investigated the case. Senior Counsel Wil Schroder, and Assistant Attorney General Amanda Morgan prosecuted the case on behalf of the Commonwealth. Zaccheus-Miller will be sentenced April 16, 2025.