Shootin' it Straight - Show Me the Money

A look in any physical print news or a click of online will reveal people heated over two things currently: egg prices and DOGE. I, too, bemoan the price of the glorious white chicken nuggets but for now, we'll focus on the DOGE portion of the debate. DOGE is an abbreviation for "Department Of Government Efficiency." The current sitting president is ripping the scab from the gaping wound that is wasteful government spending. Both sides have sworn upon all that's holy for decades to cut spending all while green lighting pet projects, self promotion, indirect vote buying, and massive fraudulent spending.
A look in any physical print news or a click of online will reveal people heated over two things currently: egg prices and DOGE. I, too, bemoan the price of the glorious white chicken nuggets but for now, we'll focus on the DOGE portion of the debate. DOGE is an abbreviation for "Department Of Government Efficiency." The current sitting president is ripping the scab from the gaping wound that is wasteful government spending. Both sides have sworn upon all that's holy for decades to cut spending all while green lighting pet projects, self promotion, indirect vote buying, and massive fraudulent spending.
I personally don't fathom how any honest American citizen could justifiably be upset over what's happening. We live in a region that is annually the poster child for poverty. Our county and our region, in general, ranks near the bottom in numerous national economic surveys. How do we justify billions spent on foreign infrastructure while our neighborhoods struggle? Can you assure me without doubt that illegal aliens in our community aren't taking away funding that could be allocated to a struggling grandmother? Do you know folks who are milking government assistance in some fashion? Can any one of us say that we have any real clue of a paper trail accounting for 35% of every dollar we earn? We all know well the answers and I'm giving a very glazed-over "Readers Digest" version of events. The reality is far worse. We have allowed the government to become so bloated and engorged that we have virtually no say in how OUR dollars are spent. We have little power. We have drifted so off course we have willing amnesia to the fact that all government employees are at our behest. They simply exist as a function to free citizens.
It's utter foolishness that the idea of reigning in spending is a controversial act. In the not so distance past many of today's acts would be punishable at the tip of a sword. We have no obligation to forward dollars of American tax payers dollars to nations that wouldn't spit on us in a time of fire. We have no need to fund pet projects for either side of the isle when it's purposefully buried to hide it from citizens. Politicians are voted upon and sent to serve the desires of their delegates. They are not there to become millionaire by shady deals, buddy contracts, and hob-knob connections. This administration simply won't have time to sift through decades of unbridled spending run amok but it can make a dent. More importantly it can be invigorating to the common man to realize he has power through the ballot box still. We can hold anyone and everyone to a standard. If my dollars are unwillingly pried from my fingers weekly you can bet your posterior I want a say in what's done with it.
This may fall short of the great awaking but it dang sure has people's attention.
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