2025 Stringbean Memorial Bluegrass Festival - Announcement from the Akemon Family

March 06, 2025
Phillip Anemon with Larry Sparks Phillip Anemon with Larry Sparks

The Akemon family wishes to express their sincere gratitude for all the kindness they have been shown since the unexpected passing of Phillip Akemon while on a hunting trip in the Colorado mountains on Oct 16, 2024. They are most grateful for the friendships which meant so much to Phillip, both in our local area and within the Bluegrass music family. 

Phillip started Stringbean Memorial Bluegrass Festival in 1996, and was blessed to keep the beloved event afloat for an incredible 27 years in Jackson County. The festival was one of his greatest joys, and he poured his heart and soul into it every year. Phillip loved people, and he loved hosting the event, which both honored his uncle, David "Stringbean" Akemon, and helped keep the heritage of Bluegrass music alive. The event was always held during the week of Stringbean's birthday on June 17, so in every way he could envision, Phillip honored the memory of his beloved uncle. Phillip loved his family, Jackson County, and all his friends far and near ~ especially those with whom he shared the joy of Bluegrass music. 

The Akemon family is most grateful for the wonderful support shown by our area and the Bluegrass music family for the festival over 27 remarkable years. While the decision has not been easy, the family will not attempt to host the festival without their beloved Phillip in 2025. Bearing the grief of Phillip's passing is a challenge on its own, but adding in the great time and work needed to host the festival is too much for the family to endeavor so close to Phillip's passing. They also feel that Phillip was the true heartbeat of the event. He made it special, and it wouldn't be the same without him. Memories of it will always remain cherished in hearts, along with the one whose vision brought it to life. 

For the wonderful support of friends and Bluegrass family through the years, the Akemon family extends heartfelt thanks. Thanks to each of you for 27 years of fabulous friendships and music at Stringbean Park, and for your loyal support of an event which gave Phillip so much joy. Michael W. Smith once penned "friends are friends forever," and those who were so kind to Phillip and so supportive of his festival will always be cherished and considered the best of friends. May God bless each of you always. 

In loving memory of Phillip Akemon (1951-2024) and his beloved Stringbean Memorial Bluegrass Festival (1996-2024).