A Busy Time!

June 07, 2024

The Judge's office has been extra busy the last few weeks. The state auditor's office has completed their fieldwork on the previous 2 audits, and we are waiting to review with them on what they have found that needs to be fixed and the recommendations they give in order to operate more efficiently. The main recommendation I expect to see is segregation of duties. We don't have the funds to hire the amount of people to work in our offices that bigger counties do, so we each have several duties and daily tasks for each employee. The auditors have been here for several months, so we have had our hands full with pulling receipts, bank statements, purchase orders and a variety of other documents. On top of that, we are tasked with collecting trash bills and taking calls concerning routes and problems. The days can get very strenuous at the office because we handle so much County business. Roads, stray dogs, trash, bills for the Court, community needs and concerns, general questions about services and about any other concern you can think of, usually pass through our office on a daily basis. We try to attend to every call we get in a timely manner, but if I look over one feel free to call me back. It is easy, when the volume of requests is so high, to unintentionally miss something.

I want to congratulate the Generals baseball and Lady Generals softball teams on representing the County in such a positive way in the district and regional tournaments. Both teams came into tournament play being looked at as underdogs but proved critics wrong with some quality wins. These respective programs have worked hard to compete on a level that is not easy. I believe they will be back and better next year and will continue to excell in our region. Our high school doesn't have the number of kids available to play that many of our neighboring counties do because of population. When they come in and get a win over a school double their size in enrollment, it says something about their determination and attitude. I am thankful and proud to be a JCHS alumni. Go Generals!

Have a blessed week