Back to School Letter from Mr. Brian Harris, Principal JCHS
Dear Families, Parents and Friends,
Welcome Back Generals & Lady Generals!
On behalf of our entire staff, we would like to welcome our new freshman students and our returning sophomores, juniors, and seniors. I hope that everyone had an awesome summer break and that you are excited for the upcoming school year.
Let me begin by introducing myself. My name is Brian Harris. This will be my seventh year as Principal. I am excited about the upcoming school year and look forward to working with our JCHS students and families.
As a Jackson County High School student, you will have the opportunity to explore many career opportunities here at JCHS. In addition to several career/college opportunities offered by JCHS Teachers, we also have some other great options offered through our Area Technology Center. We strive to produce students who are prepared to transition to college and or career.
I am excited to start the 24/25 school year. We have an outstanding staff and wonderful students. Below you will find some important information for all JCHS students.
Attendance Policy for Extracurricular Activities
For students who participate in extracurricular activities, including sports, clubs, field trips, prom, graduation ceremonies, etc., the following attendance guidelines will be followed:
Students who miss more than five excused or unexcused absences during a nine week period will not be able to participate in any extracurricular activities.
The rule is also cumulative. Students who accrue more than twenty absences, excused or unexcused, will not be able to participate in extracurricular activities.
Tardies and/or check-ins/check-outs will accumulate into full day absences.
Students who participate in extracurricular activities that miss school on days when a game or practice is scheduled, may not participate in that activity.
Exemptions to these guidelines include:
Long standing appointments with optometrist, doctor and/or specialist.
Absences related to serious illnesses, such as cancer, Covid, diabetes, etc.
Other extenuating circumstances not mentioned.
Student success is closely associated with school attendance; therefore, the school's goal is to help students prepare for future success in college and/or career endeavors.
Note: The principal and/or attendance committee will make final decisions on a case by case basis.
Cell Phone Policy
Students will be permitted to carry their cell phones with them while at JCHS. Cell phones can be used during class transition, breakfast, lunch, or at break. Cell phones will be put into a cell phone holder/locked box in each classroom when the student enters the room. We feel that cell phones are a major disruption to student learning and create many issues when used during instructional time. If there is an emergency situation please call the school and we will assist you in contacting your student.
Vapes/E- Cigarettes
In the interest of student safety, Vapes and E- Cigarettes will not be returned to parents or students. If they are confiscated at school, we will destroy them. There are numerous incidents around the state where students have used the vapes/e-cigs with illegal drugs/substances inside them.
Important Upcoming Dates:
July 31st - Upperclassmen Schedule Pick Up - Students must have completed enrollment forms in order to pick up their schedules.
930 -11:00 (Seniors)
11:00 - 12:30 (Juniors)
12:30 - 2:00 (Sophomores)
August 1st - Freshman Orientation - Students report at 12:00. Parents and guardians can arrive at 4:00 and tour the building with students.
August 8th - 1st day of School!
Brian Harris, Principal
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